Our Love Affair with Crude Oil

Our ‘Crude Oil Addiction’ is best described by our shear volume of consumption of this black gold. A co$tly addiction, l£t m£ £xplain…..

Using BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy, the world uses 80m barrels a day. Production approximately meets this demand.
[1 barrel of crude oil costs about $110]

The numbers are staggering:

80,000,000 barrels at $110 = $8,800,000,000 = $8.8 bn [£5.5 bn]

So the world each day spends £5.5bn or $8.8bn Per Day on Crude Oil.
A little side fact, the US is the largest consumer at about 19m barrels a day = $2,090,000,000 = $2.09 bn per day.

(about 20% of world production is used by the USA)

China use 4m barrels a day, which equates to $440,000,000 = $440m a day spent by the Chinese on Crude Oil. The largest producer is Saudi Arabia with 8m barrels a day produced = $880,000,000 a day ($880m) in revenue to Saudi Arabia.
The numbers just show our desire for crude oil.

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