Monthly Archives: February 2018

Vodafone February Dividend.

On Friday 2nd Feb this month, Vodafone PLC paid out is Feb Dividend.

It was €0.0484 a share which equates to £0.0423 a share.

The total number of voting rights in Vodafone is 26,674,714,037


26,674,714,037 x £0.0423 = £1,128,340,403.77

The dividend paid out by Vodafone cost £1.128 Billion

Oer 6% yield

Greencoat UK Wind Feb dividend.

Today, UK Greencoat UK Wind paid the Feb dividend.

It has paid out 1.6225p per share.

The total voting rights are 1,028,514,652

What was the cost of the dividend ?

1,028,514,652 x 1.6225p = £16,687,650.23

That is £16.6m

5.3% Yield

HM Government Borrowings: January 2018

Another month, guess what, take a lucky guess, it is the same old story, HM Government, spends more money than it receives via taxes and duties. Another deficit month, thus to bridge the gap, needs to borrow on the bond market.

In January 2018 , the HM Government had to borrow money to meet the difference between tax revenues and public sector expenditure. The term for this is The PSNCR: The Public Sector Net Cash Requirement.

There were “only” 4 auctions of Gilts (UK Government Bonds) by the UK Debt Management Office ( to raise cash for HM Treasury:-

23-Jan-2018 0 1/8% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2026 3 months £1,000.0000 Million
18-Jan-2018 0¾% Treasury Gilt 2023 £2,500.0000 Million
11-Jan-2018 1¾% Treasury Gilt 2037 £2,250.0000 Million
09-Jan-2018 1¼% Treasury Gilt 2027 £2,587.4970 Million
When you add the cash raised:-

∑(£1,000.0000 Million + £2,500.0000 Million + £2,250.0000 Million + £2,587.4970 Million ) =  £8337.497 Million

£8337.497 Million = £8337.497 Billion

On another way of looking at it, is in the 31 days in January, HM Government borrowed:-

£268.9 million each day for the 31 days.

We are fortunate, while the global banking and financial markets still has the confidence in HM Government to buy the Gilts (Lend money to the UK), the budget deficit keeps rising. What is also alarming, is the dates these bond mature 2023, 2026, 2027 and 2037. All long term borrowings, we are mortgaging our futures, but at least “We Are In It Together….

When something looks too good to be true, it usually is.

A great quote:

Following the “Melling Scam” that has caught poor Christine out and how the people of Ambridge got scammed, what’s the deal with Melling Equestrian Investments?

It was run by a very charming friend-of-a-relative-of-a-friend of Justin Elliott. He was smooth and dapper and was offering very high returns of about 12% for investments into what he described as a world class racecourse for top quality horses in Costa Rica

12% return in a climate on 0.5% interest rates…..when something looks TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT USUALLY IS !!!!


Foreign & Colonial Investment Trust Feb 2018 Dividend.

Today the Foreign & Colonial Investment Trust paid out its Feb 2018 dividend of 2.7p a share.

The total number of voting rights that can be exercised in the Company is 542,180,712


542,180,712 x £0.027 = £14,638,879.22

That is £14.638 Million

1.5% yield.