From the CEGB: The Central Electricity Generating Board under the stewardship of Lord Marshall, today, the UK has a very fragmented market.
Electricity demand is about 350 Tera Watt hours = 350TW/h of demand per year. This is broken down into 7 large groups who use the energy, who are:
The Energy Industry
Industrial Use
Public Sector
Interesting fact that the energy sector uses 25TW/h (7% of total power), but then when one thinks of Hydroelectric, huge quantities of electricity is needed to pump water into the higher lake after the power station has produced the power. Or other sectors like oil refineries use massive amounts of power too, so that 7% figure is easy to comprehend.
There are about 9 fuel type sectors that make up the power:
Oil Biomass
Natural Gas (Combined Cycle Gas Turbines)
Liquid Natural Gas (Gas Turbine and Open Cycle Gas Turbine (GT and OCGT))
The UK is very unusual in terms of the large amount of international ownership in the industry.
We have E.ON & RWE npower are German companies, then we have EDF Energy which is a subsidiary of Electricité de France and Scottish Power is part of the Spanish company Iberdrola.
The UK has only a few UK owned companies, Centrica (British Gas), Drax Power and Scottish & Southern Electric to name just 3 of the largest.
Who are the UK generators that feed The National Grid:-
RWE npower
Scottish & Southern
Scottish Power
GDF Suez
EDF Energy
Drax Power
Immingham CHP (Conoco Phillips)
Macquarie Investment Funds (Baglan Bay and Sutton Bridge)
A very interesting sector, and if you want more information talk to Tom Martin !!