Monthly Archives: June 2020
AIAG:Legal & General Ucits ETF Public Limited Company LG Artificial Intelligence ETF
The Legal & General Ucits ETF Public Limited Company LG Artificial Intelligence ETF invests in companies that are pioneering Artificial Intelligence.
Its performance is remarkable.

The Shell June 2020 Dividend.
Royal Dutch Shell, paid out Mon 22nd June its reduced June quarterly dividend.
RDSA Royal Dutch Shell A FTSE 100 $0.16 (12.68p) 22-Jun
RDSB Royal Dutch Shell B FTSE 100 $0.16 (12.68p) 22-Jun
Royal Dutch Shell plc’s capital as at 29 May 2020, consists of 4,101,239,499 A shares and 3,706,183,836 B shares, each with equal voting rights. Royal Dutch Shell plc holds no ordinary shares in Treasury. The total number of A shares and B shares in issue as at 29 May 2020 is 7,807,423,335
4,101,239,499 A shares x 12.68p = £520,037,168.4732
3,706,183,836 B shares x 12.68p = £469,944,110.4048
(£520,037,168.4732)+(£469,944,110.4048) = £989,981,278.878
That is £989million of cash
Shell A 11% yield
Shell B 11% yield.
L&G Battery Value-Chain Go Ucits ETF
The performance of the L&G ETF that invests in Lithium Ion technology is very dramatic.

HM Government May 2020 Borrowings
Another month, guess what, take a lucky guess, it is the same old story, HM Government, spends more money than it receives via taxes and duties.
Another deficit month, thus to bridge the gap, needs to borrow on the bond market In May 2020 , the HM Government had to borrow money to meet the difference between tax revenues and public sector expenditure and deal with the economic damage from Covid19. The term for this is The PSNCR: The Public Sector Net Cash Requirement. There were “only” 14 auctions of Gilts (UK Government Bonds) by the UK Debt Management Office to raise cash for HM Treasury:-
28-May-2020 1¼% Treasury Gilt 2027 2,927.5000 Million
28-May-2020 1¾% Treasury Gilt 2049 2,357.7500 Million
27-May-2020 0 1/8% Treasury Gilt 2023 3,750.0000 Million
27-May-2020 1¾% Treasury Gilt 2057 1,785.4990 Million
21-May-2020 0 1/8% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2028 3 months 1,562.4990 Million
21-May-2020 4¼% Treasury Stock 2032 2,500.0000 Million
20-May-2020 0¾% Treasury Gilt 2023 3,869.6240 Million
14-May-2020 0 5/8% Treasury Gilt 2025 3,250.0000 Million
14-May-2020 1¼ % Treasury Gilt 2041 2,250.0000 Million
13-May-2020 0 1/8% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2048 3 months 745.8500 Million
06-May-2020 0 1/8% Treasury Gilt 2023 3,897.9580 Million
06-May-2020 1 5/8% Treasury Gilt 2054 1,750.0000 Million
05-May-2020 1 5/8% Treasury Gilt 2028 3,000.0000 Million
05-May-2020 2% Treasury Gilt 2025 4,062.4990 Million
When you add the cash raised:-
£2,927.5000 Million + £2,357.7500 Million + £3,750.0000 Million + £1,785.4990 Million + £1,562.4990 Million + £2,500.0000 Million + £3,869.6240 Million + £3,250.0000 Million + £2,250.0000 Million + £745.8500 Million + £3,897.9580 Million + £1,750.0000 Million + £3,000.0000 Million + £4,062.4990 Million
= £37709.18 Million = £37.70918 Billion
On another way of looking at it, is in the 31 days in May 2020, HM Government borrowed:- £1,216.425129 Million each day for the 31 days.
We are fortunate, while the global banking and financial markets still has the confidence in HM Government to buy the Gilts (Lend money to the UK), the budget deficit keeps rising. What is also alarming, is the dates these bond mature from 2023 through to 2054. All long term borrowings, we are mortgaging our futures, but at least “We Are In It Together….”
BP’s June 2020 Dividend.
Today, BP one of the world’s largest oil company, pays out its quarterly dividend.
$0.105 (8.3421p) a share
The total number of voting rights in BP p.l.c. is 20,265,294,069
20,265,294,069 x £0.083421 = £1,690,551,096.530049
That is £1.690 Billion
9.4% yield.
The Investment in Spring 1 (Vivaldi)
The Gresham House Energy Storage Fund
On Friday 12th June, GRID [Gresham House Energy Storage Fund] paid out its June dividend.
1.75p a share
The total number of voting rights of the Company is 234,270,650
234,270,650 x £0.0175 = 4,099,736.375
That is £4m of cash
4.1% yield
Why Buy An Index Fund ?……….
The Investment of RAT
The Art of Investment
Unilever PLC June Dividend.
On Thursday 4th June, Unilever PLC paid out its June dividend.
36.14p a share.
Unilever PLC’s issued share capital as at 30 April 2019 consisted of 1,168,530,650 ordinary shares of 3 1/9p each. Unilever PLC does not hold any ordinary shares of 3 1/9p each as treasury shares. Accordingly, there are 1,168,530,650 shares with voting rights.
1,168,530,650 x £0.3614 = £422,306,976.91
That is £422 million
4.8% yield.
Legal and General June 2020 Dividend
Tomorrow, the UK’s largest money manager pays out is full year dividend.
12.64p a share
The total number of voting rights in the Company is 5,965,563,767:-
5,965,563,767 x 12.64p = £754,047,260.1488
That is £754 million
That is a 9.1% yield.
Sir John Templeton: Great Quote
The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy, and the time of maximum optimism is the best time to sell.” – Sir John Templeton